





這款10入的金玉鳳凰酥,精心選用法國奶油、日本麵粉、台灣鳳梨冬瓜醬、台灣農場雞蛋黃等上乘食材,每一口都散發獨特風味。手工製作,最低起訂量為20盒,絕對是台灣伴手禮的首選。口感鬆軟,香甜可口,讓人回味無窮。無論是自己品嚐還是送給親友,都能帶來滿滿的幸福與驚喜。選購金玉鳳凰酥,讓您展現對摯愛的特別心意,讓每個美好時刻都充滿美味與溫馨!立即訂購,感受台灣美食的獨特魅力!台灣伴手禮首選! 附贈 精美....

這款10入的金玉鳳凰酥,精心選用法國奶油、日本麵粉、台灣鳳梨冬瓜醬、台灣農場雞蛋黃等上乘食材,每一口都散發獨特風味。手工製作,最低起訂量為20盒,絕對是台灣伴手禮的首選。口感鬆軟,香甜可口,讓人回味無窮。無論是自己品嚐還是送給親友,都能帶來滿滿的幸福與驚喜。選購金玉鳳凰酥,讓您展現對摯愛的特別心意,讓每個美好時刻都充滿美味與溫馨!立即訂購,感受台灣美食的獨特魅力!台灣伴手禮首選! 附贈 精美手提袋 This box of 10 pieces of Golden Yolk Pineapple cake is carefully crafted using premium ingredients such as French butter, Japanese flour, Taiwanese pineapple winter melon jam, and Taiwanese farm egg yolks, each bite exuding a unique flavor. Handmade with a minimum order quantity of 20 boxes, it is definitely the top choice for Taiwanese souvenirs. The soft and sweet texture is truly delightful, leaving a lingering taste. Whether enjoyed personally or given to loved ones, it brings happiness and surprises. Choosing Golden Phoenix Pastries allows you to show special care for your loved ones, filling every moment with deliciousness and warmth! Order now and experience the unique charm of Taiwanese cuisine! The top choice for Taiwanese souvenirs!